Monday, May 18, 2009

Table Planning - It's All About Football

Lordy it's been a busy few weeks.

Went underwear shopping again and this time, the woman put me down a back size and up two cup sizes. Honestly, you have to wonder. The difference between what one of these ladies put me in and what the other put me in is one back size and five cup sizes. Ludicrous.

Anyway, armed with correct underwear, I went back to try on my dress again. Grumpy dress woman gave in and admited that the dress was too big, so she's taking it in and another fitting will be required. I'm pretty sure she's miffed at me because I was only supposed to have three fittings and have ended up having about a gazzilion. However that is because she made the dress too big, so I can't be held entirely responsible.

I also decided, with only a handful of days to go until the wedding, that I need a veil. Which I had all but given up on, until this morning when a wonderful lady let me know that she would be able to make me one just like I wanted for a bargain price and in time for the wedding (which, I remind you, is merely a handful of days away).

We have also managed to put together the table plan, which was hard work. The Old Man was pretty rubbish if I'm honest. Although he knows all my friends pretty well, he has a bunch of friends I've never met. We wanted to mix people together, so I was asking him what his friends were like, so we could make suitable tables.

MsJ: "So what's Bob like?"
Old Man: "Yeah, he's not bad"
MsJ: "Hmm... ok, so what sort of things is he in to?"
Old Man: "Erm... football."
MsJ: "Okay..."

MsJ: "So what's John like?"
Old Man: "Yeah, he's quite chatty"
MsJ: "And what sort of things does he like?"
Old Man: "Erm... football."
MsJ: "Okay..."

MsJ: "So what's Tom like?"
Old Man: "Oh, yeah, he's a good bloke"
MsJ: "Great, what kind of stuff does he like?"
Old Man: "Erm... football."
MsJ: "Okay..."

So I think you get the picture. The Old Man's friends all like football - the good news of course is that so do all my friends who are blokes. Perhaps we should just say sod it to all this boy, girl, boy, girl seating arrangement and just shove all the boys on tables together and all the girls on tables together.

Very little else has been achieved in this last week, nor is it likely to be - as I am now off to Dublin for the next few days for work. Hmph.

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