Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I have decided that this week, I shall mostly eat all I can and be miserable. The source of my misery is partly that The Older And Wiser Ms Jones has done a bunk. She's left me. Gawn. She has moved herself and her merry little family away to the countryside - the sticks - the middle of nowhere. And it can officially be called the middle of nowhere, because they get no mobile phone reception on any network.

I have decided to spend the week eating, because that's what we spent the honeymoon doing - and one cannot possibly be expected to return from a honeymoon and go straight back to business as usual. I therefore must eat, eat, eat for the sake of my sanity. I shall start back on some less vigorous version of my exercise/healthy eating regime next week.

Another source of misery is, of course coming back to work. God, it's miserable. On top of which, the final source of misery comes as quite a surprise - and it is merely that the wedding is now over, which leaves me with a lot more time to think about missing my sister and miserable work (and also about what else I might want to eat now that I've gone five minutes without stuffing my mouth).

What I need, is a project. I am considering conversational French as my new project. Having spent half the honeymoon in France, I realised just how poorly my GSCE French has deteriorated - I am now at a stage where French gentlemen stare at me in confusion whilst I fumble about for the word for "car". Yes, I know it's voiture. But it took me the best part of fifteen minutes to remember, and as for the word for jam. That never came back to me.

(p.s. yes - the title of this post is a little melodramatic - however I am sure you have come to expect little else).


Anonymous said...

So move back to Cambridge and I'll come to French classes with you.

That will solve the project part, if not the sister part!

Anonymous said...

So move back to Cambridge and I'll come to French classes with you.

That will solve the project part, if not the sister part!

ladywiththebaby said...

Here here!

And its confiture. A Level French don't you know.....

Jones said...

How about we meet in the middle? Conversational French in Hatfield? We can enjoy it with some tea and confiture on toast?

Anonymous said...

there is no one educated enough in Hatfield (and possibly all of Hertfordshire) to speak French, let alone teach it to you!