Monday, July 20, 2009

Smug Married?

Well, it's that time of the week again. Yes, Four Weddings is on. I have decided I just love this programme - but for all the wrong reasons. Reasons that I am going to have to admit to, but am totally ashamed of. I love it, because I smugly watch all the weddings thinking to myself "my wedding was much better than yours. And cheaper. Ugh - what are you wearing - my dress was much nicer. What are you thinking? - That's never going to work".

I know that it is bad to be smug (particularly when you are in the safe knowledge that you've already had your wedding and no one was giving you scores out of ten on national TV), but I simply can't help it.

Having said that though, I think that seeing the programme afterwards would probably just be diabolical. Those girls are not nice. Having said that, I find that an essential part of the watching experience is to take part in the online scoring, which has made me realise that I am perhaps equally un-nice. I think so far, I have not scored higher than 6 for any of the individual parts or 12 for the overall presentation. (Other than for whoever had a castle for a venue - and that was only because I have a castle fixation...)

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