Thursday, June 07, 2007

Optimising My Exercise Programme...

So, yesterday, the Lady With The Baby told me that the best way to burn calories/fat is to alternate your running speed – you know – run a bit, jog a bit, walk a bit, etc. Considered incorporating this into my running programme. However further thought revealed that actually, I kind of do incorporate that into my running programme already. I start off running, then get slower and slower until I’m jogging, then continue to get slower and slower, until I’m walking. Do you think that counts? Do you think that means that I am optimising my calorie/fat burning? Surely it does?

Yesterday’s run however was a totally different matter. Frankly, I probably broke the speed of light. I got about a third of the way around and realised that I had left the house, complete with back door open. Oops. Thus requiring my legs to carry me as fast as they could straight back home. Which meant a short, but rather speedy run. And when I say speedy, I am, in honesty, going to have to take back that speed of light thing. Speedy actually means pretty slow – as I discovered when some old man in a cap whizzed by me, leaving me for dust. Hmph.

On arriving home, I discovered to my utter relief that no one had broken in and done a runner with any of my precious goods. And on thinking about it, started to wonder what on earth they would have found to nick anyway.

But I did treat myself for not having been to panicky and for having run extra fast, I quickly gorged a donut. They do say that you should eat after a run to keep your metabolism up – and who am I to disagree?

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