Sunday, June 10, 2007

Spirited Away

So, I have been VERY disorganised on the cocktail party front this year. With not long to go, I have still not got the invites out, not made a firm decision about the cocktail menu, not decided what I am going to wear - and therefore not decided to what extent I need to lose weight (i.e. how much needs to be shaken off before chosen dress looks halfway decent), not decided on what alcohol-soaking snacks to create and not decided if I am going to decorate the house again this year - or if everyone just gets too drunk to notice anyway.

What I have decided however, is what alcohol I need - and therefore have been to the shop and purchased much alcohol. Potentially, I should have first decided what cocktails to make before deciding what alcohol to buy - but I couldn't hold myself back - it was too exciting when I found myself in the spirits aisle at the supermarket, seeing bottles of vodka and rum and tequila and gin swirling before my eyes (erm - that may make it sound like I had been partaking in a sip or two of the very spirits swirling before my eyes - however I assure you, it was the excitement of it all that did it).

And hey presto - as if by magic, fifteen minutes later I was struggling out the supermarket door with nine bottles of alcohol clinking in my bags.

So now I need to find a cocktail that includes peach schnapps, triple sec and galliano. Any suggestions?

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