Monday, July 02, 2007

The Devil's Cure for Colds

I appear to have very suddenly come down with a very irritating cold. I have been sneezing all day and I don’t think I’ve stopped blowing my nose for longer than two minutes at a time.

So I popped over to Holland and Barrett to get some stuff for it. I have my suspicions that Echinacea only works if you are about to get a cold rather than if you’ve already got it – but I’ll try anything.

Sucked in by sale prices and promises of more herb power for my money (their words, not mine), I opted for the liquid version – with a little dropper – that you mix with a bit of water and down. Echinacea and Goldenseal – which the salesperson assured me had similar immune boosting properties to Echinacea. Still more herb power for my money then – as the two together cost the same as one on it’s own.

I have got back to the office however and realised that I have made a mistake. I just mixed 1ml with a smallish amount of water and drunk it. Well, I say drunk it – at first I took a tentative sip (and it wasn’t quite mixed together properly at this stage), yeah, not too bad, bit grim, but I can cope. Then mixed it properly. Oh. My. God. YUCK. It was dis-gus-ting. It took all the willpower in the world to gulp it down in two further horrendous mouthfuls without being violently sick – in fact, after the last gulp, I did gag a bit and reach out for the bin.

I would recommend anyone with a cold might be better off just sticking with drugs – and not getting any ideas in their heads about herbal remedies. They are filthy. The devils cold cure. Ugh.

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