Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Oranges, Chicken Soup and Cake

So I have failed dismally at taking the Devil Cold Cure discussed yesterday, which is potentially why I am in bed today, off work. Perhaps had I taken the filthy echinacea and goldseal stuff, I might not have spent the night failing miserably to get to sleep.

Potentially I sabotaged my ability to sleep by taking a peculiar cocktail of herbal remedies and cold drugs. Drank a lemsip about an hour and a half before I was ready to go to bed - potentially my first mistake. Went to bed, saw calcium and vitamin D tablets and starflower oil tablets - decided any vitamins were better than no vitamines. Gulped them down, got into bed, unable to sleep. Went downstairs to create self hot toddy.

Two shots of whiskey, a full lemon's worth of juice, a huge chunk of ginger, bit of boiled water and not enough honey later I found myself feeling slightly sick at 2.30 in the morning. Back to bed, still feeling sick. Unable to sleep.

Return downstairs and find herbal sleeping tablets, take two, go back to bed, still unable to sleep. 5am arrives and I have still not fallen asleep. Call to let work know I am probably not coming in.

Now sitting in bed, still not having been able to get much sleep, trying to contend with dribbling nose - the type of dribbling nose where you suddenly find snot running down the side of your face as you lie there trying to get to sleep. Yep - pleasant, eh? The type of dribbling nose that drips onto the floor when you stand up without a tissue by your side. Delightful.

Have read in New Scientist though that feeding a cold and starving a fever may actually work. In addition to which they have confirmed that chicken soup is indeed a miracle cure for colds. Therefore am planning what clothes I can put on to disguise my pyjamas while I take a stroll to the shops to stock up on oranges, chicken soup, more tissues to catch falling snot and cake. Yes, cake. Well - I do have to feed my cold, you know... It seems every cloud does indeed have that silver lining.

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