Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Jerry v.s Maury

A dreadful thing has happened. My addiction to wathcing trash TV has become all too much. I watched a programme called Maury today. Maury appears to be the thinking man's Jerry Springer. Well, I say the thinking man's Jerry Springer - let's be honest, the "thinking man" is perhaps not so prone to getting sucked in to such trash as moi - let's call me the "thinking girl".

Unlike Jerry Springer, Maury behaves as if his guests are in perfectly normal predicaments, as they explain to him that they would like to reveal to their boyfriend of ten months that they are more than the woman they have been pretending to be - more in that they have some extra bits and pieces in the downstairs area which are more common to boys than girls.

Jerry makes no effort to hide the fact that he's laughing at the situation and the people themselves. And no effort to hide the fact that he knows his audience are only there to see boobs and fights. Yes, Jerry even gives out some sort of prize to ladies in the audience that get their knockers out. It appears that few if any of the guests on the show wear underwear, many of them come on specifically to get their kit off - and more specifically, to get their lalas out and ask the audience with a raise of their eyebrows - "Who wouldn't want a piece of this?". And in honesty - we know as well as the chuckling Jerry does, that they'd be lucky if any single person in the audience would want a piece of that, barge pole firmly in hand.

Anyway, the point was to reveal to you an awful admission... Today, whilst watching Maury, I found myself with a small tear in my eye. Yes, that's right. I'd like to think it's partly PMT, but even I'm not sure I can hide behind that. There's no need to go into the specific details of the tear. Small tear let me remind you.

But just to give you the lowdown, this episode was about people who'd cheated on thier boyfriends/husbands and were on the show to find out if their children were from the cheating episode or their partner. Obviously Maury seems like the appropriate place to reveal this cheating secret and who the children's fathers are - on national TV in front of everyone you know, everyone you don't know and everyone you will know in the future.

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