Friday, July 06, 2007

The Work of an Organisational Genius

Oh lordy-o.

Cocktail party update:

Countdown to cocktail party - 1 day - yes, that's ONE day.
Cocktail menus done? Nope.
House tidied? Nope
House decorated? Nope.
Downstairs loo cleared of junk? Nope.
Kitchen cleared of unnecessary stuff? Nope.
Control pants purchased? Nope.
Apropriate bra found and purchased? Nope.
Weather looking promising? Nope, nope, nope.
Anything done? Anything at all? Erm... well... see below.

However on the upside:
Cocktail recipes decided on? Check.

So at least I'll know how to put a drink together if that's all that comes together.

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