Friday, August 03, 2007

And The Winner Is...

I appear, in all my excitement at revealing to you my requirement for anger management, to have neglected to tell you the results of my TV chat-show survey. I blame it on Maria Von Trapp - all that start at the very beginning stuff (for the benefit of those of you who don't know who she is - and who surely must be few and far between - look here, or here).

So, now is the time that I am going to have to admit that I'm a giver-uper. I didn't complete the marathon. In fact - the only sections I managed to complete were the following:

0.925 - 10.30 - The Jeremy Kyle Show
10.30 - 11.00 - Trisha Goddard
11.00 - 11.30 - Jerry Springer
15.15 - 16.00 - Maury

So as you can see - not a very impressive attempt from the Jones household. You do any better? But the results are in - what you have all been waiting for. Yesterday's watching marathon (ahem) has resulted in an out and out winner, in the form of... Maury. Yes - that's right, Maury. A little unexpected, I'd say - but I'm prepared to put myself on the line with this one. And I'll tell you the reasons why.

The Jeremy Kyle Show - remember that post on Graham Torrington? Well Jeremy Kyle is not dissimilar to GT. He first starts yelling at his guests "Oh you think that's a good enough reason to hit a woman do you" - trying to get a rise out of them, followed shortly afterwards by "Ok, it's ok, we'll work through this thing together" in an I'm-here-to-fix-you-I-feel-your-pain type voice. Annoying, annoying, annoying. Unforgivably annoying. The purpose of the show is to make everyone love Jeremy Kyle - to come away thinking "ahh, he's a good bloke". Well, the truth is, he's a bit of a knob. And thus, cannot win the chat-show comparison competition.

Trisha Goddard - grrrrrrrrrrr. God that woman drives me up the wall. Everything the guests has been through, she, by chance has pretty much been through herself. And on top of which - she does the Graham Torrington/Jeremy Kyle thing as well. Ugh.

Jerry Springer - contraversial that he didn't win, I know - but the problem is, they stuff an hour's show into half an hour - like an abridged, highlights Jerry Springer Show. Which is frustrating and therefore the reason for a non-win from this quarter.

Maury - The caring man's Jerry. We have discussed this before. Where Maury is winning - is that you get all the drama - plus the whole show - not just highlights. So really, Jerry's downfall is LivingTV - who allow us only to see the highlights.

But well done Maury - you are currently the reigning champion. Come on - let's chant - Maury, Maury, Maury (you get the gist).

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