Wednesday, September 26, 2007

De-Witching on the Cheap

I have finally de-witched myself. My hair had grown to official witching length - about half-way down my back (and bearing in mind I'm a relative giant amongst women, that's pretty long) - on top of which, the fact that I have dark hair and pale skin = witchiness to the extreme (along with the fact that if I need to be somewhere quick, I just hop on my broomstick).

So I took myself off down to the haircutters and had it all lopped off. A good seven or eight inches, which meant I came out feeling all light and hairfree (see what I've done there? Eh? Eh?).

What makes the cutting all the more joyous however, is the bargainousness of it all. I went to a place where the haircutters are students doing their NVQs. So they are not properly qualified which makes them ra-ther cheap. But still rather excellent.

I did get a few funny looks from some of my more glamorous friends - but my hair grows quickly and I'm prepared to put it in the hands of a young lassy who's had less hot dinners than I've had haircuts and still has the chubby wee cheeks of a small child.

And frankly, for £8, I'd say it's probably in my top ten haircuts.

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