Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Day Three... Bean Salad

I must apologise for my lack of postings recently. It is largely because I have moved up in the world...

I have upgraded from my "home office" to an official office. Yes, that's right, I have a proper job, in a proper office. And it's goodbye Cambridge, hello London. So my spare moments have been taken up with packing up my belonging, mourning the leaving of the beautiful house I lived in, saying goodbye to friends, tubing it to new work and having to try very hard to take in the names of five thousand people, whilst also taking in what on earth I am supposed to be doing and spending all day going slightly stir crazy, having no one to talk to.

Yes - you'd have thought that I'd be used to it now, having been stuck at home alone all this time. The difference is, at home there really was no one to talk to - other than Jerry Springer's guests. However at new work, there are people to talk to, it's just they don't talk to me. Such is the life of a new girl. They all nip off for lunch and fag breaks together and share their in-jokes, and you sit there at your new dest staring at what might as well be a blank screen, wishing the clock could just move a bit faster, please.

But it's not all bad news. There is a staff canteen (not subsidised I hasten to add in a rather disappointed manner), but the experience, for me, is an altogether new and exciting one. So far I have eaten there every one of my three days in new-jobsville. But a note to the uninitiated - it is not advisable to eat a plate-full of bean salad on day three in your new job - it creates a rather complicated side effect that your new colleagues, who already won't talk to you, would not appreciate.


Anonymous said...

Dont get down harted it will get easier - its horrible when you start a new job, give it time and it will improve - they wont be able to help liking you!!!!

Jones said...

Ah, how kind of you. Will keep you updated though. No progress so far...