Sunday, September 21, 2008

Another Week of Hobbling

Did a load of London Open House stuff this weekend - well - actually mostly got up late and missed most things - but managed to fit one or two in - and what weather for it - turns out we are getting that Indian Summer after all. Woo hoo.

But that's where the good news ends. I discovered earlier today to my horror, that this week's Fit For a Princess is being taken by the trainer we had the first week. Remember the first week? You must - I certainly do - because as a result I couldn't walk for 4 days and was on the verge of giving the whole damn thing up.

It was very depressing - largely because I had been going to the gym for three weeks and hoped that I might not end up being the fat, slow girl at the back - which I well and truly am (I know, I know - foolish to think that three weeks at the gym could have had any impact at all). On top of that, however, there was a runty skinny lass standing in front of us, telling us that she loves squats and could do them all day and thought nothing of making us all do at least 100 of the damn things.

But I will be going, because I am going to a wedding in Cambridge next weekend and simply cannot go back unless I am thinner than I was when I left (which I am not. Do you think that's achievable within a week when for most of it I will probably not be able to walk)?

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