Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Photo-In Versus Chicken Dippers

I am still a fat dollop. This is because I have not been going to the gym more than once a week. It is my photo-in this weekend and frankly, I'm not prepared.

This photo-in thing, it turns out, really is enough to make me feel bad for not going to the gym. (Although not bad enough to stop me sitting here gobbling a divine hazlenut cappucchino truffle - though they were bought for me in June - so I've not done too badly keeping them going until now). I am now desperately scanning my brain for a way of making myself look thinner.

Breathing in would definitely be cheating - however as we all know, the camera never lies. So what other way is there of looking thin without being thin? Or alternatively, what miracle way of getting thin is there that will not take me more than 4 days? I am simply rubbish at starving myself, so that's not an option. I have tried thinning teas before and frankly, the results are not quick enough.

There is only one thing for it - the cabbage soup diet. I have done this before and I got really thin arms. The only problem is that as it's my birthday next week, and my McFriend is coming to visit. And we all know what happens when she comes to visit. Chicken dippers and potato wedges (- that's for the sake of those of you who don't know - because I suspect that when I say "we all know", in reality, just I know).

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