Monday, October 06, 2008

Fat Princesses Shake Their Booties Too

Tonight's Fat Princess consisted of me. And the trainer. And then my sister after ten minutes or so. Great - typical that the week I end up with a personal Fat Princess training session is when I have my lady's week. My lady's week makes me totally incapable of exercise. Although not incapable of shaking my booty all night long.

It was my little sister's birthday at the weekend, so we went to the Clapham Grand - yes - I know, I know - but she's young (even if I'm not). I prepared myself by having six shots of vodka before leaving home (this whole Polish wedding thing has gone to my head - I have become obsessed with vodka shots) - we had plain, mandarin, vanilla, plum and sloe vodka. I can't remember which ones we had two shots of - but believe it or not - they were all types of vodka we just had sitting around the house (that's the sort of thing that happens when you have yearly cocktail parties).

Anyway - despite being old and the music being rrrrrubbish, I did manage to dance the night away and not embarass myself too much. I think. And next weekend, I shall be doing it all again for my birthday. Although perhaps at a different venue...

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