Friday, October 05, 2012

Rolling Out The Big Guns

Well, coat one of the usual paint stripper has had the usual results (see here).  So I have decided to roll out (what I hope will be) the big guns.

The Big Guns

This stuff promises that one coat can strip up to 15, yes FIFTEEN layers of paint.  But it wants 2 - 4 hours in which to do it.  Which is a shame, because it stinks like a motherf***er.  A cross between nail varnish remover ane (as Husband Features pointed out) Juicy Fruit.  

I am hoping that this in combination with some other state of the art equipment, will mean the job is a bit easier and less time consuming.  We'll see in four hours when I take it off... provided I haven't died in the interim of solvent abuse.

I will of course bore you senseless with the photos of the stripping in progress and the results once done.

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