Saturday, March 29, 2008

My New Love for Shopping

I had the best shopping trip ever today. Wandered into a shop, took four items into the fitting room, tried three on, only one fit, didn't buy anything.

Doesn't necessairly sound very successful, eh? But then, when I throw in that nothing other than one item fit because the rest were to big... now I think you see what I'm talking about. I took in a dress, a top and two pairs of trousers. Now this is a shop in which I figured that sizes were small (based on previous experience), so the two pairs of trousers were actually the same, but in my size and the size up, just in case.

So off I trot (slightlyreluctantly) into the fitting room, try the dress on first, fits, not too bad a fit, but frankly, far too much (yellow and red) pattern for me. But I wear it around the fitting room (which it tiny - a meter by a meter) for some time, pleased with myself that it fits and that apart from the pattern, it doesn't look toooooo horrific and I don't look toooooooooooooooo fat and lumpy.

Reluctantly, I reject it - because it doesn't suit me, despite fitting - which is almost enough to convince me, but I have to be realistic - and I'l never wear it.

So next thing I try is the top - which I'm more hopeful about than the trousers (because I have a fat bum). It's a very nice top - deep bluey purple, but it is massive. Really, it is huge, and hangs around me like a sack. Thinking this is a peculiar anomaly, given that the dress fitted, I take it off and resign myself to trying trousers which will invariably not fit. I have both my size and the bigger size, as mentioned. I toy with trying the bigger size first, but then decide I'll be an optimist today and try my normal size.

I get the trousers on (easily) and realise, with the most glee I've had since the Christmas tree was installed, that they are too big. Wuh-hoo. My own size, and they are too big.

I can't pretend that I didn't swank out of the fitting room, swaying my hips and puffing out my chest like I was a peacock. It's nothing to do with me, of course. I can't even vaguely pretend that to myself after having stepped on the scales this afternoon, hoping for some sort of affirmation that I had lost weight. Still, while I had the moment, I wallowed in it.

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