Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We're Doomed

And not just because a small German boy can outwit NASA. But because in 2029 we're all going to diiiiiieeee. And if not in 2029, in 2036 we're all going to diiiiieeee.

Alternatively, we have a 449 chance of all surviving. But it is slightly worrying that NASA cannot really carry out their calculations to the same level as a 13 year old boy. Potentially, telling us all we have a one in 450 chance of being hit by an asteroid is less comforting than telling us that we have a one in 45, 000 chance of being hit. Perhaps NASA were just trying to ease our worried little minds.

Either way, NASA's foolishness worries me slightly. Scenario a. - NASA can't do their sums to the level of a 13 year old. Scenario b. - NASA think they can keep a 44, 550 discrepancy in our chances of being hit by an asteroid quiet from us for 21 years.



Anonymous said...

Could be worse. If you, say, lived in California:

Jones said...

Hmmm... So if you get to 2029 without the earthquake hitting and without getting hit by an asteroid and then make it to 2036 without the asteroid hitting, you still can't breath a sigh of relief until 2038.

So what are the chances of none of those three things happening? Eh, little German boy, eh?