Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Spring - at Last!

I cried at work today - which is nice. I am a woman on the edge (of the next BMI level up). But enough about that - let's talk about the weather.

Isn't it cool that finally we are getting some spring weather - walked home from my sister's this evening and it was positively balmy. Potentially you are not feeling this. There may be a couple of contributing factors to me finding it positively balmy out tonight - one being that I just generally don't feel the cold as much as most - the second being that I've got my lady's week(which may also contribute to the tears at work, woman on edge thing).

I can't be the only one who gets all hot and bothered during my lady's week? But potentially I am the only one woken up twice in the night finding myself literally swimming in my own sweat. (Sorry - perhaps I shouldn't share that).

And finally - whilst watching Newsnight, I noted that one of the reporters on the programme was called Katty Kat. Now either she has really thoughtless parents, of she got really drunk as a student and accepted a completely ridiculous dare.


Anonymous said...

I used to get quite hot and bothered during my "lady's week", but then I started taking the pill all the time and all was well with the world. No more riding the cotton pony for me--life really is better without periods. Don't let anyone tell you different!

Jones said...

Great - I'll have what you're having - hot and botheredness is something that is in no way suited to tube travel.