Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Time to Get Serious

So, it would seem I'm getting hitched. I say that as if it were arranged - which it wasn't, though heaven's knows if my mother did arrange my marriage, my old ball and chain would be the one she picked. I am pretty certain she'd swap me for him if she could.

This clearly means one thing. Weight loss. Drastic weight loss. I shall not be a hippo bride. And to this end, I went swimming on Sunday. (Ok, I lie. I went swimming because my sister was taking my nephews swimming, so we all went along - it got a bit too much for me bobbing about in the teaching pool - hot as a bath - so I took a break from screaching kiddies and splashing menaces - to go to the adult pool and have a swim).

20 lengths I managed - not too impressive, but it's a start - and my thighs, bum and arms ached - the former two of which have been singled out as problem areas on my none too lithe figure.

I have made it clear that I have no intention of getting hitched until I have lost a stone, but my sister was talking to me about trying dresses on the other day and I had the horrific realisation that dress trying needs to take place some time in advance. Thus, I am going to have to start taking this weight loss thing seriously, rather than just going on faddish week-long faux-efforts at weight loss.

Hell. I think I need a plan. And a serious one, which involves exercise, no crisps, no chocolate, no cake (but plenty of rose and cocktails).


Anonymous said...

Hey, congrats! Good luck with the weight loss thing, but I have a feeling your better half is just fine with the way you are.

Jones said...

Hmmm... I'm not sure what you mean by better half, "anonymous". But thanks for your vote of confidence!

Whether he's happy or not though, I ain't rolling these hips down any aisles.