Thursday, May 29, 2008

Long Live Stuffing Your Face

This month, I have been off take aways. This is part of a New Year's resolution aimed at increasing my weight loss - every second month I am not allowed to eat take-away. I have done very well this month, having only gorged myself on fish and chips three times. Good, eh? Perhaps I ought to consider making this month on of the inbetweeny months where I am allowed to eat take away and then abstain next month.

Talking of food and weight loss, it is clear that I am going to have to re-consider what I am counting as my diet. My neighbour at work informed me rather matter of factly this afternoon that he has never met anyone who eats as much as I do. Hmph. However my other colleague told me (in a separate incident) that (there are her words) she had never met anyone who eats such weird food.

When pressed, it turned out that weird = healthy (she is 21 - people who are that age can eat what they want, therefore healthy food = weird). Great. So it seems that although I could take pretty much anyone on in an eat off (just you name them and I'll prove my eating prowess...) my continual snacking combined with three large meals still = healthy. Long live gorging oneself.

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