Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Who Needs A Colonic...?

Who needs a colonic when ten days on antibiotics will do the trick just as well. I have lost almost a stone after having had to come off the last two days of my antibiotics. I found my body rejecting pretty much everything I put in it, everything I sniffed at, everything I looked at.

So I have spent the last two days eating nothing - zero, zip, zilch - on the doctor's orders. It is actually surprisingly easy to eat nothing all day - so long as you are drinking your own body weight in water. That is not a suggestion for a dieting method, however - I would certainly never advocate not eating. I have done this out of neccessity, not obsession.

The problem of course, is that illness weight-loss never stays off - and I am having my measurements taken for my wedding dress on Saturday. Ooohhh that felt a bit weird. My wedding dress. Every time I commit to something for this wedding or put it down (mostly here) in writing, it makes me feel a little bit peculiar. I am getting married. Eek. How weird.

I also have to chose my material and which price option I want - which involves getting my head around a whole load of complicated combinations of toiles and numbers of fittings. The good news is that the lady has agreed to do it at around a third of the original cost - which takes it down to the price of an expensive dress bought in an ordinary shop - and if I choose my material carefully, I should hopefully be able to wear it again. Not bad for a custom-made number created from scratch.

Will report back on how it goes.

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