Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Free Cake, Woo Hooooooo

Had a VERY busy weekend. Did a million boring wedding things. On Saturday, we went brideymaid dress shopping, with great success. Found two possibles - one dress, seventy quid, the other, fifteen. Well that's an easy choice... However only one bridesmaid was there (older sister). Little sister is yet to see the either dress (which incidentally is totally see-through in the skirt...). So it may be that we were not as successful as I hope we were - because if she doesn't like it, we can't return it (come on - you didn't think it was £15 full price did you)?

And we went shoe shopping, with limited success. Then on Sunday, The Old Man and I went gift list shopping and wrote the invites. Most of them anyway. But it was the gift list shopping that was the best bit. Not only because they give you a little zapper which of course, is extremely exciting. But the total best bit, by far, is that they give you a free cup of tea and piece of cake.

I have never seen such huge slices of victoria sponge in my life, and it was mine, all mine. Free. FREE!

However I was made to pay for it last night when I went to the gym with my (older) sister, who made me do about a billion bum and stomach exercises. Ugh. And I'm still not thin. Although my dress did fit at my dress trying session - in fact, it was a little too large. Woo woo (until you remember that it doesn't yet have the zip in anyway...).


Jo Riches said...

Well, hey, there's still plenty of time, yeah right!! No seriously there's lots of time left to loose the extra poundage. And there's no going back as we've received our invitation which makes it totally offical. Loving them by the way, bring on the big day. xx

Jones said...

I am really not doing well - and all this Easter chocolate is doing me no favours.
Glad you've got your invite - am so excited about getting RSVPs - it'll make a nice change from bills and bank statements in the post!