Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Failure To Fit

It's been a run of bad fittings for me. I had what was supposed to be my final (wedding) dress fitting, which turned into my disasterous dress fitting.

I arrived there all excited about my dress being ready and the prospect of being able to take it away with me. So it was incredibly disappointing when I put the dress on, it was just too big. Pretty much everywhere. I would like to think that it's because I've lost weight, but the truth is that she last took my measurements two weeks before. So that seems pretty unlikely. Not only was it too big though, but it made me look wide. How can a dress both be too big and still make me look like a wide load?

The dress lady was totally grumpy in my general direction, which made me feel even more disappointed and like if I said anything she'd throw me out without my clothes. So it was lucky my sister was there to point out that the dress was too damn big. The dress lady said it was my fault because I was wearing inapropriate underwear. In a previous fitting, she told me that I would not need to wear a bra with it - so I felt like a total idiot having to admit that I didn't have a suitable one with me, because she clearly didn't remember she'd told me I wouldn't need one.

So my lack of appropriate strapless underwear is what lead to the next fitting issue. I decided a trip to Rigby and Peller was in order. I am not sure quite what lead me to make this decision - I'd already looked at the website - so I knew that the crazy sums of money they charge in there are out of the question. I just fancied a bit of luxury and thought it might make me feel better after the large, wide dress issue.

Ugh. Wrong. I went in and happened to be in rather an old underwear number - which I explained to the lady, but it unfortunately did not stop her coming back having decided that my actual size was two cup sizes smaller than I usually wear. I was surprised, but open to having a look at some smaller ones.

So she brought a load into the fitting room, which I patiently tried one by one, becoming slowly more certain that the lady didn't have any idea what she was talking about and possibly had some sort of serious vision imparement. There was not a single one that I tried on that didn't feel like it was either going to fall down if I raised my arms in the air or that would convincingly see me though the first dance.

So it looks like it's back to trusty old Bravissimo for me. Frankly, I can't chance having expensive but ineffective underwear - particularly if the dress is going to be falling down too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we need pictures (of the underwear - the dress we can wait for).