Sunday, July 12, 2009

Decisive Action

I have let myself go. This has been confirmed by my boss. In fact, it was pointed out by my boss. Rude? Maybe. True? Yes. I am a dollop. So I have decided to take action.

I am having a no-crisp eating competition with my boss and another colleague. Today is day 5 of the competition. I've held out.

Went to visit my sister in the countryside this weekend - there were crisps everywhere, I mean EVERYWHERE. (By EVERYWHERE, what I actually mean, is that there were two bowls hanging about before dinner). And I totally didn't eat any. They were offered to me several times, and offered again, whafted under my nose, licked in front of me, but my steely powers of resistance are second to none.

I really think this giving up crisps thing is going to work a treat. Particularly when I have been replacing them with brownies, oreos, chocolate and Chinese takeaway (ok, admittedly, that last one was actually my dinner - but I think you get the point).

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