Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Thank Yous, Photos and Rock and Roll

I continue to do well at the thank you cards. My production rate is now approximately two a day. I calculate that by the end of August, I will have them all sent. Pretty impressive work, eh.

I've sort of lost a little interest though if I'm honest - I'm afraid I'm like that - getting things started is very fun... finishing them - I'm not so good at. Besides, I've started a new and much more exciting job (well, more exciting for the time being anyway - though the site keeps crashing - so I can't guarantee I'll finish that job any time soon either).

I have been putting the wedding photos online. Disappointingly, I have not been able to put them on my Flickr account, because we simply can't just have all and sundry peering at them in a nosey fashion, and Flickr doesn't offer password protection. So I have had to put them on Photobucket, which is awash with annoying ads and just general annoying other things too. Like constant crashing - I'm not finding that overly fun.

Potentially I am not having a high success rate with Photobucket because I couldn't be bothered to read up how to use it properly. Instruction reading is boring. So I'm faffing about trying to make the pictures into a slideshow that looks decent and am having little luck.

I spent the whole evening doing it last night - and yesterday was a long evening - because I got home at 7pm, which is really rather early for me. My whole evening was then spent putting tags on photos (most of which I lost due to aforementioned crashes), putting the photos in the right order - which luckily I didn't lose - because it took aaaaaaaages and faffing about with slideshows.

But really, it was lucky that I had something to keep me busy all evening, because from the time I got home, someone in one of the flats upstairs had decided to have a very enthusiastic party. Lots of very loud music with an annoying beat. And the party hadn't finished when I went to bed at midnight. Nor when I checked the time at 1. Am I just getting old - or is that just a little bit rock and roll for a Tuesday night?

(Don't tell me I'm getting old, I'm tired and might get grumpy if you do. And grumpy is bad).

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