Monday, July 06, 2009

Thank You. But Not Yet.

Anyone else watching Four Weddings? That first bride's budget was 77 Grand - SEVENTY SEVEN THOUSAND POUNDS! All that money spent and still her dress was full of holes. And what's all this putting birds in baskets?

So I'm glad that this couple who trapped the birds in the baskets didn't win. Instead, the couple who needed subtitles won. They aren't from another country. They are just from the west country. Hmmm.

I have to admit as well, that I had actually rather been looking forward to this, but I think they may have shown all the best bits of the whole series in the advert clips. Ooooh, although having said that, I've just seen the clips for next week and they all look a lot more catty - so perhaps I'll give it another go.

Talking about weddings, what I am supposed to be doing this evening - and yesterday evening, is writing our wedding thank you cards. We are sending everyone cards to thank them for the presents they bought us - we were very lucky and frankly, got a ton of great stuff. So it's quite clear that we should have sent our cards about a hundred years ago. However... I left The Old Man in charge of finding the stuff for the thank you cards (three months ago, that is). As with everything related to the wedding, it takes The Old Man extraordinarily long to pull his finger out, and when he does, it is, as with the thank you cards, about a gazillion years too late.

So I decided to cut the time down, I'd find half what we needed and just leave him with the other half (I made this decision a week ago, as it was clear that finger was just not coming out). So I ordered my bit and left The Old Man in charge of ordering the card. He came into the bedroom where I was reading to announce that he is brilliant and had sorted the card. It arrived two days later. He bought post cards. Funny? Maybe. A waste of money? Yes. Suitable? No.

So, surprisingly, in a manner not dissimilar to pretty much everything else, it was left to little old me to sort the damn thing out.

So if you're awaiting your thank you card - don't hold your breath. I'm writing essays in them all and managing only one a night.

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